Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi  
  number of visits : 152030  
Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Foreword of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
     When did the Shi’ite Sect First Appear?
     Why are Shi’tes Called ‘Rejectionists’?
     How Many Shi’ite Sects are there?
     The Belief of Al-Bada’ which the Rafidhah believe in
     What is the Belief of the Rawafidh in relation to the Attributes of Allah
     What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?
     What is the Belief of the Raafidhah in relation to the Companions of the Prophet ?
     Common Traits between Jews and Raafidhah
     What is the Belief of the Rafidhah in relation their Imams?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘Ar-Raj’ah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Tuqyah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Teenah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Sunni Muslims
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Mut’ah and what is its virtue?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?
     What is the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to the Bai’at (Pledge of Allegiance)?
     What is the ruling of overlooking the differences between Sunni Muslims and Polytheist Raafidhah?
     What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?
     Surat al-Wilayah
     The Alleged Tablet of Fatimah
     Du’aa Sanamai Quraish (i.e. the two idols of Quraish)What is meant is Abu Bakr and Umar?
     Important Websites:
What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?

 The Raafidhah set up festivities, parties and hold demonstrations in the streets and open areas. They wear black clothes as a sign of their grief on the ‘anniversary’ of the death of al-Husain. It is held during the first ten days of Muharram every year. They believe it to be among the greatest of things that will bring them nearer to Allah. They slap their faces, chests and backs. They scream out and women tear their clothes. People scream ‘O Husain, O Husain!’ This can be witnessed especially on the tenth of Muharram. They beat themselves with chains and swords as is the case in Iran and other countries.

Their scholars encourage them to do these actions, which makes them a laughing stock. One of their scholars, Muhammad Hasan Aal Kaashif al-Ghata, was asked about what his fellow members of faith were doing, and what they hoped to achieve through beating themselves and he said: ‘This is a sign of aggrandizing the limits and boundaries of Allah.’ He then quoted the words of Allah:

(That [is so]. And whoever honors the symbols [i.e., rites] of Allah- indeed, it is from the piety of hearts.)                                                                 (Qur’an 22:32)


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