Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi  
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Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Foreword of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
     When did the Shi’ite Sect First Appear?
     Why are Shi’tes Called ‘Rejectionists’?
     How Many Shi’ite Sects are there?
     The Belief of Al-Bada’ which the Rafidhah believe in
     What is the Belief of the Rawafidh in relation to the Attributes of Allah
     What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?
     What is the Belief of the Raafidhah in relation to the Companions of the Prophet ?
     Common Traits between Jews and Raafidhah
     What is the Belief of the Rafidhah in relation their Imams?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘Ar-Raj’ah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Tuqyah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Teenah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Sunni Muslims
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Mut’ah and what is its virtue?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?
     What is the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to the Bai’at (Pledge of Allegiance)?
     What is the ruling of overlooking the differences between Sunni Muslims and Polytheist Raafidhah?
     What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?
     Surat al-Wilayah
     The Alleged Tablet of Fatimah
     Du’aa Sanamai Quraish (i.e. the two idols of Quraish)What is meant is Abu Bakr and Umar?
     Important Websites:
What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?

The Rafidhah of today, known as the Shi’ites state that the Qur’an we have in our possession is not the Qur’an that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (r). They claim it has been tampered with and verses have been removed and others put in.

The majority of the Shi’ite Traditionalists believe that the Qur’an has been tampered with as is mentioned by an-Noori at-Tabrisi in his book: ‘Faslul-Khetaab fi Tahreef Ke’tab Rab’bil Arbaab’.

Muhammad b. Yaqoob al-Kulaini said in his book ‘Usool al-Kafi’ under the chapter: ‘No one was able to gather the Qur’an except for the Imams’: ‘Jabir said that Abu Ja’far said: ‘No one claims to have gathered the Qur’an, but is a liar. No one was able to gather it and memorize it as it was revealed by Allah except Ali b. Abi Talib and the Imams that came after him.’

Jabir also reported that Abu Jafar said: ‘No one can claim to have gathered the entire Qur’an except for the Imams.’

Hisham b. Salim reported that Abu Abdullah said: ‘Indeed the Qur’an that was brought by Jibreel to Muhammad had 17000 verses.’

This means that the Qur’an the Raafidhah claim to have is more than the Qur’an we have today by three times! We seek refuge with Allah from them!

Ahmed at-Tabrasi said in his book: ‘Al-Ihtijaaj’ that Umar said to Zaid b. Thabit: ‘Indeed Ali brought the Qur’an while in it the shameful affairs of the Muhajireen and Ansar were unveiled.’ Zaid attested to this, and then said: ‘When I finish gathering the Qur’an as you have instructed me to do, will not the complete Qur’an that is with Ali render my work void?’ Umar said: ‘What should we do?’ Zaid said: ‘You know better how to make tricks!’ Umar then said: ‘There is no solution, except that we kill him and are at peace from him. He then panned out a scheme to kill him through Khalid b. al-Walid, but he was incapable of carrying it out.’

When Umar became the Khalifah, he asked Ali to give him the Qur’an, so that he could change it. Umar said: ‘O Abul-Hasan, why don’t you bring forth the Qur’an, which you presented to Abu Bakr, so that we can gather upon it.’ He said: ‘Impossible, do not even try! I only brought it forth to Abu Bakr so that the evidences could be established against him and so that you would not say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘We were ignorant of this’ or that you say: ‘You have not brought it forth.’ This Qur’an can only be touched by the pure and the regents of the Prophet. Umar said: ‘Will there be a time wherein it will be made apparent?’ Ali said: ‘Yes, when the Mahdi comes forth, he will make it apparent.’

No matter how much the Shi’ites appear to have cast aside the book of an-Noori at-Tabrasi, an apparent display of Taqiyah, this book holds hundreds of textual evidences from their scholars and from their own source books, which clearly proves that they believe the Qur’an we have today is distorted, but because they do not want to cause a commotion regarding their beliefs about the Qur’an, they try to distance themselves from this belief.

So it seems that there are two versions of the Qur’an; the first is known to us and the second is a secret, hidden away from the eyes of people. Of the chapters that are hidden away is the chapter of al-Wilayah, which the Shi’ites claim was removed from the Qur’an, as was mentioned by An-Noorsi at-Tabrasi in his book: ‘Faslul Khitaab fi Tahreef ke’taab rab’bil arbaab’. He also mentioned that a verse ‘wa rafa’na laka dhikrak’ which they claim was dropped from Surat ash-Sharh (Chapter 94).

The Shi’ites are not ashamed to say this openly, even though it is well known that this chapter was revealed in Makkah and Ali at that time was not married to the Prophet’s daughter.


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