Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi  
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Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Foreword of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
     When did the Shi’ite Sect First Appear?
     Why are Shi’tes Called ‘Rejectionists’?
     How Many Shi’ite Sects are there?
     The Belief of Al-Bada’ which the Rafidhah believe in
     What is the Belief of the Rawafidh in relation to the Attributes of Allah
     What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?
     What is the Belief of the Raafidhah in relation to the Companions of the Prophet ?
     Common Traits between Jews and Raafidhah
     What is the Belief of the Rafidhah in relation their Imams?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘Ar-Raj’ah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Tuqyah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Teenah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Sunni Muslims
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Mut’ah and what is its virtue?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?
     What is the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to the Bai’at (Pledge of Allegiance)?
     What is the ruling of overlooking the differences between Sunni Muslims and Polytheist Raafidhah?
     What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?
     Surat al-Wilayah
     The Alleged Tablet of Fatimah
     Du’aa Sanamai Quraish (i.e. the two idols of Quraish)What is meant is Abu Bakr and Umar?
     Important Websites:

Dear Muslim, you may now agree with me that whoever believes in these false beliefs is not of the Muslims, even if they call themselves ‘Muslims’. Dear brother what is your duty towards the Raafidhah, now that they live amongst the Muslims?

You should be careful, and should not engage in transactions with them. You should warn people about their dangerous beliefs which are based on enmity towards every person who believes in Allah, and Islam as their Deen and Muhammad, may Allah praise him, as their Prophet and Messenger.

Sheik Islam b. Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: ‘As for the Raafidhi, they will not live amongst any people except that they will resort to using Nifaq (hypocrisy). The Deen that they hold in his heart is a false Deen, it compels them to lie, be treacherous, and to trick people and to want evil for them. They will not leave aside an evil which they can do but will do it towards a Sunni Muslim. If a person does not know they are Raafidhah, they will be able to tell that they are due to the hypocrisy that will become apparent to any individual, as well one can tell this from their speech.’

They hold hatred, animosity and enmity towards us. May Allah finish them off. With all of this, we will still find people who are confused from amongst the general assembly of the Muslims, who deal with them on a daily basis. They may even trust them, all of this is based on the fact that they are not applying their Deen and do not know the teachings of Islam which order a Muslim to deal with people on account of Wala and al-Bara which is to love and hate for the sake of Allah. We are to proclaim our innocence from every non-believer and polytheist.

With this we can see the duty that lies upon us as Muslims, so is there anyone who will heed this?

We ask Allah to grant victory to His Deen, and to make supreme his words, and to defeat the Raafidhah and those who support them. May Allah praise the Prophet and render him, and his family and Companions safe from every evil.


Was salaam alaikum wa rahmatl’laah wa baraktoho.


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