Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi  
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Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Foreword of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
     When did the Shi’ite Sect First Appear?
     Why are Shi’tes Called ‘Rejectionists’?
     How Many Shi’ite Sects are there?
     The Belief of Al-Bada’ which the Rafidhah believe in
     What is the Belief of the Rawafidh in relation to the Attributes of Allah
     What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?
     What is the Belief of the Raafidhah in relation to the Companions of the Prophet ?
     Common Traits between Jews and Raafidhah
     What is the Belief of the Rafidhah in relation their Imams?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘Ar-Raj’ah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Tuqyah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Teenah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Sunni Muslims
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Mut’ah and what is its virtue?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?
     What is the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to the Bai’at (Pledge of Allegiance)?
     What is the ruling of overlooking the differences between Sunni Muslims and Polytheist Raafidhah?
     What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?
     Surat al-Wilayah
     The Alleged Tablet of Fatimah
     Du’aa Sanamai Quraish (i.e. the two idols of Quraish)What is meant is Abu Bakr and Umar?
     Important Websites:
What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?

Sheik Islam b. Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: ‘The scholars have unanimously agreed that the Raafidhah are the most dishonest and untruthful of all sects. The quality of dishonesty is noted amongst them from their very beginnings, that is why scholars have noted them to be liars.’

Ash’hab b. Abdul-Aziz said: ‘I asked Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, about the Raafidhah and he said: “Do not speak to them nor narrate anything from them, for they are dishonest.”’

Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, said: ‘The one who curses the Companions of the Messenger of Allah has no share in Islam.’

Ibn Kathir said at the exegesis of the verse:

(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.  You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure.  Their mark [i.e., sign] is on their faces [i.e., foreheads] from the trace of prostration.  That is their description in the Torah.  And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which procedures its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers – so that He [i.e., Allah] may enrage by them[1] the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.)                                                                     (Qur’an 48:29)

…from this verse Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, established the disbelief of the Raafidhah who despise the companions of the Prophet (r). He said: “They hate them, and whoever hates a companion is a Kaafir (non-believer) as per this verse.”

Imam al-Qurtubi said: ‘Imam Malik was right in his statement and was correct in his exegesis of this verse. Whoever ridicules or attacks the narration of a Companion will have disregarded the Shari’ah of Allah.’

Abu Hatim said: ‘Harmalah said: “I heard Imam ash-Shafi’ee, may Allah have mercy on him, saying: “I have not witnessed anyone more accepting of falsehood than the Raafihdah.”

Mu’mal b. Ahaab said: ‘I heard Yazid b. Haroon saying: “Write the narrations of every man of Bid’ah who is not openly professing it or calling others to it except the Raafidhah, for they are liars.”’

Muhammad b. Sa’id al-Asbahani said: ‘I heard Shuraik saying: “I take the knowledge from everyone that I meet except from the Raafidhah, for they fabricate narrations and see it a religious duty to do this.”’ Shuraik b. Abdullah was the Judge of Kufa.

Mu’awiyah said: ‘I heard al-A’mush saying: “I have met many people, all of whom call them liars.”’ He meant the companions of al-Mughirah b. Sa’eed ar-Rafidhi, who was described by Imam adh-Dhahabi as a liar.

Sheik Islam b. Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: ‘As for the Raafidhah, the origin of their deviation stems from disbelief, infidelity, and lying. They themselves state this by saying: “Our Deen is Tuqyah” Tuqyah refers to concealing in the heart other than that which you tell people. This is lying and hypocrisy as well.’

Abdullah b. Ahmed b. Hanbal said: ‘I asked my father about the Raafidhah, and he said: “The ones who swear or curse at Abu Bakr and Umar? Ask Allah to have mercy on them and distance yourself from those who despise them.”’

Al-Khal’laal narrated that Abu Bakr al-Marwazi said: ‘I asked Abu Abdullah about those who swear at Abu Bakr, Umar and A’ishah (y) and he said: “I don’t see such a person being a Muslim.”’

Al-Khal’laal said: ‘Harb b. Ismail al-Kirmaani informed him that Musa b. Harun b. Ziyad said I heard Al-Firyabi being asked about one who swore at Abu Bakr, and he responded that he was Kaafir, and he was asked whether or not one should perform Jinazah prayer for that individual and he answered ‘no.’

When Imam Ibn Hazm, may Allah have mercy on him, was debating with the Christians and they had brought the books of the Raafidhah to refute him, he said: ‘The Raafidhah are not Muslims, their statements cannot be held against the Deen. This is a sect that came about after the death of the Prophet (r) by about 25 years. It is a sect that is similar to the Jews and Christians in terms of disbelief and dishonesty.’

Abu Zur’ah ar-Razi said: ‘If you see a man defaming one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, know that he is a disbeliever.’

The Permanent Committee in Saudi Arabia was asked a question. The questioner and a group of people were living near a group who adhered to the Ja’fari (Shi’ite) Madth’hab. Some Sunni Muslims refused to eat from their slaughtered animals and others ate from them. Is it lawful for a Sunni to eat from them, while it is known that they call upon Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husain during times of ease and hardship?

The Permanent Committee comprised of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Baz, Sheik Abdur-Razaq al-Afifi, Sheik Abdullah b. Ghudayan and Sheik Abdullah b. Qa’ood, may Allah reward them all, answered:

All praise be to Allah, and may Allah praise the Prophet and render him safe from ever derogatory thing. If the issue is as is mentioned by the questioner, that there are people who adhere to the Ja’fari Madth’hab, and they call upon Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husain, then they are polytheists, who have apostatized from Islam. We seek refuge with Allah from that. It is not lawful to eat of their slaughtered animals for it is considered ‘Maitah’ i.e. an unlawful animal. Even if the name of Allah is mentioned before it was slaughtered.’

The scholar Abdullah b. Abdurrahmann b. al-Jibreen, may Allah preserve him, was asked a question in which it states: ‘We have a Raafidhi who works as a butcher. Sunni Muslims bring their animals for him to slaughter. There are a few restaurants that do business with him. What is the ruling of doing business with this Raafidhi? What is the ruling of their slaughtered animals?

Wa alaikum as salam wa rahmatul’laahi wa barakatoho. The animal slaughtered by the Raafidhi is not lawful for us, nor is it lawful to consume. The majority of the Raafidhah are polytheists, for they call upon Ali in times of need, even during Arafah, the Tawaf and Sa’ee. They call unto his children and their Imams, as we have heard on numerous occasions. This is a form of greater Shirk. It is also apostasy which one should be killed over.

They adulate Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, and attribute to him traits that belong to Allah alone, as we have heard them doing so in Arafah. With this they are apostates for they made Ali a God and a Creator, who has power over the affairs of the universe, and knows the unseen and has the power to harm and extend benefit.

They also desecrate the Qur’an, and claim that the Companions of the Messenger of Allah distorted it and omitted from it certain things that relate to the family of the Messenger of Allah. They do not adhere to its text nor use it as a proof.

They also defame the great Companions of the Messenger of Allah, especially the three, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, and the mothers of the believers and the famous Companions the likes of Anas, Jabir and Abu Hurairah. They do not accept their Hadeeth for they claim them to be non-Muslims. They do not adhere to the hadeeth mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim, except for those narrations that are on the authority of Ahlul-Bait.

They use falsified proofs and at times bring no evidence for what they say. They are hypocritical and say contrary to what they conceal in their hearts. They say: ‘He who does not have Tuqyah has no Deen.’

We do not accept their claims that they love us, or that they are our brothers, for hypocrisy is the creed they hold to.


[1]  The given examples depict the Prophet (e) and his companions.

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