Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
Abdullah b. Muhammad as-Salafi  
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Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs
     Foreword of Sheik Abdul-Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
     When did the Shi’ite Sect First Appear?
     Why are Shi’tes Called ‘Rejectionists’?
     How Many Shi’ite Sects are there?
     The Belief of Al-Bada’ which the Rafidhah believe in
     What is the Belief of the Rawafidh in relation to the Attributes of Allah
     What is the Belief of the Rawaafidh in relation to the Qur’an that we have today?
     What is the Belief of the Raafidhah in relation to the Companions of the Prophet ?
     Common Traits between Jews and Raafidhah
     What is the Belief of the Rafidhah in relation their Imams?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘Ar-Raj’ah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Tuqyah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the reality behind the belief of ‘At-Teenah’ that the Raafidhah believe in?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Sunni Muslims
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to Mut’ah and what is its virtue?
     What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?
     What is the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to Aashoora and what is its merit according to them?
     What is the belief of the Shi’ites in relation to the Bai’at (Pledge of Allegiance)?
     What is the ruling of overlooking the differences between Sunni Muslims and Polytheist Raafidhah?
     What have the Pious Predecessors said about the Raafdihah?
     Surat al-Wilayah
     The Alleged Tablet of Fatimah
     Du’aa Sanamai Quraish (i.e. the two idols of Quraish)What is meant is Abu Bakr and Umar?
     Important Websites:
What is the belief of the Raafidhah in relation to an-Najaf and Karbala? What is the merit of visiting these places according to them?

The Shi’ites considered the actual or supposed graves of their Imams as holy sites. According to them Kufa is a sacred city, Karbala is a sacred city and Qumm is a sacred city. They narrate a report on the authority of as-Sadiq that Allah has a Haram which is Makkah, and the Prophet (r) has a Haram which is Madinah and the Leader of the  Believers has a Haram which is Kufa and we (i.e. the Shi’ites) have a Haram which is Qumm.

According to the Shi’ites, Karbala is greater in virtue than the Ka’bah itself. It is mentioned in Bihaar al-Anwaar that Abu Abdullah said: ‘Allah revealed to the Ka’bah: ‘Had it not been for the soil of Karbala, I would not have favored you, had it not been for the people who reside their I would not have created you nor would I have created the House that I am proud of, so be a humble servant to the land of Karbala, otherwise I will cast you into Hell.’[1]

According to the Shi’ites visiting the grave of al-Husain in Karbala is greater than performing the fifth pillar of Islam which is the pilgrimage to Makkah. Al-Majlisi mentions in his book Bihaar al-Anwaar that Bashir ad-Dah’han said: ‘I said to Abu Abdullah: ‘Sometimes I forget to perform Hajj but I realize the greatness of the grave of al-Husain.’ He said: ‘Good work, any believer who visits the grave of al-Husain knowing its virtue, it will be recorded for him as 20 Hajj and 20 Umrah which are all accepted. It will also be recorded for him as 20 battles fought under a Messenger or a just ruler. Whoever goes to it on the Day of Arafah, knowing its virtue it will be recorded for him as 1000 Hajj and 1000 Umrah all of which are accepted and a 1000 battles fought with a Messenger or a just Imam.’

In the same source it is mentioned that those who come to visit al-Husain are pure, and those who perform Hajj and stand on Arafah are children of Fornication! A’oodthubillah!! It is mentioned that Ali b. Asbaat mentions that Abu Abdullah said: ‘Allah begins viewing those who come to visit the grave of al-Husain on the eve of Arafah.’ I said to him, is this before He looks at the people of Arafah? He said yes! I asked why and he said: ‘Among the people who stand on Arafah are children of fornication and this is not the case for those who visit the grave of al-Husain.’[2]

Their scholar Ali as-Sistaani said in his book: ‘Manhaj as-Saliheen’ it is better to perform prayers near graves and holy sites than to perform them in the Masjid.’ He said: ‘Issue number 562: ‘It is praiseworthy to perform prayers in sacred places belonging to the Imams. It is even stated that it is better than performing prayers in the Masjids. It is mentioned that performing prayers near Ali b. Abi Talib is greater than 200 000 thousands prayers elsewhere.’[3]

Abbas al-Kaashani, a radical Shi’ite cleric, even stated in his book: “Masabeeh al-Jinaan”: ‘It is without doubt that the land of Karbala is the holiest site in Islam. It has been favored in the textual proofs over all other lands. It is the blessed land of Allah. It is the humble, submissive land of Allah. It is the chosen land of Allah. It is the safe and sacred sanctuary of Allah. It is the dome of Islam. It is one of the places Allah loves His slaves to worship Him in. Its soil is a cure for all diseases. These virtues are not even recorded for the Ka’bah.’[4]

In the book al-Mazaar for Muhammad an-Nu’man, who is called ash-Sheik al-Mofeed, said about the Masjid in al-Kufa: ‘It is narrated that Abu Ja’far al-Baqir said: ‘Were people to know the virtue of the Masjid of Kufa, they would have prepared for it provisions and would come to it from every corner of the world. Performing a prayer there is equal to one Hajj, and performing a Nafl prayer is equal to performing Umrah.’[5]

In the same source book it states that the visitor of the grave should point with his right hand and should say: ‘I am coming to you as a visitor I seek firmness in coming to you, I am convinced that Allah will alleviate hardship through you and through you, He will send down mercy.’ I ask Allah through you, my Master, to take care of my debts and my needs and to seek forgiveness for me.’[6]

Dear reader, look at how these people commit polytheism by asking other than Allah to take care of their needs. Look at how they seek forgiveness from their sins from other than Allah, how can this be possible when Allah says:

(No one forgives the sins except Allah.) (Qur’an 2:135)


We seek refuge with Allah from committing Shirk.


[1] Bihaar al-Anwaar 10/107

[2] Ibid 85/98

[3] Manhaj as-Saliheen for as-Sistaani 1/187

[4] Masabeeh al-Jinaan for Abbas al-Kashaani pg. 360

[5] Al-Mazar for ash-Sheik al-Mofeed pg. 20

[6] Ibid pg. 99

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