عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-06-12, 11:07 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
سلالة الصحابه ...
عضو ذهبي

سلالة الصحابه ... غير متصل

سلالة الصحابه ... is on a distinguished road

Lightbulb Asking One's Husband for a Divorce for No Legitimate Reason

Asking One's Husband for a Divorce for No Legitimate Reason


Many women hasten to demand a divorce from their husbands for the least little argument , or if their husbands do not give them what they want of money . Some women may be edged on by troublemakers among their relatives or neighbors to challenge their husbands with provocative words such as : " If you were a real man , you would divorce me ! " The dire results of divorce are well known : breakdown of the family and children roaming the streets . A person may come to regret divorce when it is too late . For all these reasons and others , the Sharee'ah/ divine law/ wisely prohibited such actions . Thawbaan reported that the Prophet

Any woman who asks her husband for a divorce with no sound reason will be deprived of smelling the fragrance of Paradise
. "

[ Reported by Ahmad , 5/277 ; see also Saheeh al-Jaami' , 2703 ]

Uqbah ibn Aamir reported that the Prophet said

Women who ask for divorce and women who contend unnecessarily with their husbands are hypocrites
. "

[ Reported by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer , 17/339 ; see also Saheeh al-Jaami' , 1934 ]

But if there is a sound reason , such as the husband abandoning prayer , drinking or taking drugs , forcing his wife to do something haraam ( forbidden ) , or oppressing her and making her suffer by denying her the rights granted to her by Islaam and he refuses to listen to advice to mend his ways , then in this case there is nothing wrong with a woman seeking divorce for her own sake and for the sake of her religion

التوقيع :
قال ابن القيم -رحمه الله-:
احترزْ مِنْ عدُوَّينِ هلكَ بهمَا أكثَر الخَلق:
صادّ عن سبيلِ الله بشبهاتهِ وزخرفِ قولِه، ومفتُون بدنيَاه ورئاستِه .
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